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Three beautiful and healthy black puppies arrived DEcember 15. Two females (NBT and Full tail) and one boy (NBT). The theme of the litter is Batman Comics.

Stormridge's Black Spiced "KRaken"
When looking for a suitable male for Peek-A-Boo I had to find a male that wasn't too big and heavyboned as she herself is a light female with not that much bone, as well as I wanted to keep her fitness as it comes handy in most sports. I also wanted to find a pedigree that I like that I knew well and also as always a healthy and fully tested sire. 

The sire I ended up with is Kraken. He is not small and not little, he has bones and coat, but not too much of it nor too little, he is compacted yet not heavy, but all in all he is, I belive, a perfect match for Peek-A-Boo. 

He is a charming boy, curious and alert, social yet a bit reserved, but all in all a fun boy with a lovely character. He trains obedience and agility, has been shown from time to time with good results and have both res.cac and res.cacib, and has also passed Canine Good Citizen. 

​Kraken is owned by Jill Forman - Of Wooly Rocks (BE) , Simone Van Der Kooi - Lunarlites (NL) and Kelly Sweeny - Stormrigde (US)

Eyes: Cleared without any remarks November 2018   |     Theeth: Complete scissorbite    |     HD: A/A     |     ED: 0/0 
HSF4, CEA, PRA, DM, CMR1, NCL6 +/+  |     MDR1 +/-   |  Taillenght:  NBT  |   Color: Black Tricolor | Height 54 cm | 
Weight 24 kg | 1 x res.cac | 1 x res.cacib | Canine Good Citizen


Sunlily's The Sun Of Winter "Peek-A-Boo"
Peek-A-Boo is the puppy I kept from our very first litter. She is living at home and makes me smile every single day with her goofyness, smiles and talking. She trains towards competitions in obedience, rally-o, as well as she is training  agility and the nordic working venues,. 

Peek-A-Boo is an outgoing girl with a big personality. She loves everyone and is not afraid to show it. She loves to cuddle, but also loves to work. In many ways I think she is everything that I look for in an aussie, but at the same time there is always room for perfection. 


During work she can be a bit soft, but she is easy to motivate again if she is corrected and drops abit off. That being said I only train postive with my dogs. I must say that this is what I believe is her biggest weakness all though it's not a very big problem during our training or competitions. 

All in all Peek-A-Boo is a sweet girl with a lot of personality that is kind and is, what I believe, a really uncomplicated girl, She has a well functional on/off-button and is a sound and functional builed girl. She is as mentioned above a light girl with not that much bone or coat, but she has a good movement, and is excellent builed for sports and activites. 


Eyes: Cleared without any remarks July 2019  |  Theeth: Complete scissorbite    | HD: A/A  |  ED: 0/0 
HSF4, CMR1, MH, NCL6, DM & PRA +/+     |     MDR1 -/-  |  CEA +/-  |  Taillenght: NBT |   Color: Red tricolor | 
Height 50 cm | 17 kg | 2 x Norwegian CAC | 2 x BOB | Passed mentality test with no fear of gunshots (1)

In this litter we hope for social and outgoing aussies with a will to please and serve its owner, that will be able to do good in the showring as well as a wonderful and active companion in different other sports and venues. These will probably be dogs that will need owners that give them both physical and mentally tasks and not only used as a family pet. ​


The puppies will be genetical CLEAR from HSF4, PRA, CMR1, DM, NCL6.
They will be Mdr1 carrier or affected  
They will be CEA  clear or carrier 

All puppies will be black tricolor (but red carriers). All tail lenghts are possible.



- Kuzco -


Sunlily's Run Riddler Run

| Hips: A/A | Elbows: 0/0 |
| Eyes: Clear |
| Mental Description: - |
| Follow Kuzco @kuzcoaussie |


- Tinka -

Sunlily's Cry Of The Huntress


| Hips: A/A | Elbows: 0/0 |
| Eyes: Clear |
| Mental Description: - |
| Follow Tinka
@cindy_tinka_aussie |

- Vendetta -

Sunlily's Heart Of Hush


| Hips: - | Elbows: - | Eyes: Clear |
| Mental Description: - |

| Follow Vendetta @lifeofthesunlilys |

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