Febraury 3rd, 2021 we welcomed 7 puppies out of this combination, but sadly due to complications 4 puppies didn't make it, leaving us with 3 perfect puppies.
2 black tricolor males (1 NBT & 1 Full tail) and 1 black tricolor female (NBT)
Östra Greda Royal Gala "Enzo"
When I bought Enzo I always had a plan that he would be suitable for Tirith. He is compact and a bit heavy boned but he is a sweet gentleman with a nice character and attitude, as well as he has a wonderful head and expression.
Enzo is as sweet and kind as he looks, and can also be a bit lazy, but don't let him fool you - he is ready for action when asked to, and all in all he is an easygoing, social and uncomplicated boy that goes well with all dogs no matter what size or gender.
Enzo could have had use of some better angulations in his hindlegs but he has other good qualites that I like a lot such as his character, his head and expression, his size and length of coat as well as his pedigree full of dogs that I've followed for a very long time.
Eyes: Cleared November 2020 ( There was no signs to his previous mild distichasis)
| Theeth: Complete scissorbite | HD: A/B | ED: 0/0
| HSF4, CEA, PRA, DM, CMR1, MH, NCL6 +/+ | MDR1 -/- | Taillenght: NBT | Color: Blue Merle | Height 54 cm | Weight: 24 kg | | Passed mentality test with 5 on gunshots | 2 x Norwegian cac | 2 x BOS |

Sunlily's The Power Of One "Decibel"
Decibel is the keeper from our Pokémon litter and is a sweet and lovely girl, but also a active one that is always up to new tasks and loves to work. She is a social girl, but can in some cases seem a bit care and reserved for stranger but with a bellyrub you are her friend for life.
She is a girl with lots of potential and love, and is quite good at reading situations and will always be there to comfort the ones she cares about. She is also a quick learner and fun to work with and is like mentioned always ready for new tasks and adventures.
Decibel lives on breeding terms with Andrea and is working really good as the single dog in the family, and have a differnt calm than when she lives at home in a bigger pack. She has grown alot in mind the last 6 months and now acts like a fully grown up as I once was thinking that she would always be my "forever pup". She just needed some time and also a bit space to develop her very own personality and mindset not being affected of the other packmembers.
To me I would prefer less noise than what Decibel has, but we can see that it escalates when she is with others as she doesn't have the same need to guard when she is alone. But again, naming your dog Decibel kind of ask for it I guess.
She is sound in body and has a wonderful movement, is easy on her foot and has moderate bones and coat, I would still prefer a better head and stop for her, meaning I think she has many of the same features as her mother Tirith. Therefore I also believe I will get more what I'm looking for in this combination as Tirith and Enzo are the parents of our Supernatural litter where I truly think I got a lot of the good traits from both the dogs.
Eyes: Cleared October 2020 | Theeth: Complete scissorbite | HD: A/A | ED: 0/0
HSF4, CEA & PRA +/+ | MDR1 +/- | Taillenght: NBT | Color: Black Tricolor | Height: 51 cm | Weight: 22 kg | Res.cac |

Tirith - Decibel's mother

JJ - Decibel's father