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- The Warning: litter arrived August 27, 2022 -
2 males & 3 females

(1 black tricolor male NBT, 1 blue merle male full tail, 1 black tricolor female NBT, 1 black tricolor female full tail & 1 Blue merle female NBT)


Easy Made By Patchwork "Bennie"

Bennie is a dog that I have followed ever since he came to Sweden as a pup and I have always wanted him to be a part of my breeding but it has never really worked out until now. He is a moderate build dog with a lovely character, and as the titles states he is also a beautiful boy that the judges seems to love just as much as I do. 

I have personally met him on several occations and everytime I see him I fall in love with him all over again so I'm looking so much forward to see what he can add into my breeding and how he will work with Harley.


Eyes: Cleared without any remarks April 2022  |     HD: B/B    |     ED: 0/0 
HSF4, CEA, PRA, DM, MDR1 +/+  |  Taillenght:  NBT |   Color: Red merle | Height - cm | 
Weight - kg | Passed mentality Description (1 on gunshots) |


RL1 Sunlily's Two Minutes To Midnight "Harley"

Harley is our keeper from our Supernatural litter and is a social and outgoing girl with a big will to work. She is living on breeding terms with her co-owner Malin and together they work in different venues such as rally-o, obedience and the nordic working venues. They have gained the RL1-title in rally-o and are about to get ready to advance to the next level. 

Harley has only been shown a few times but with good critiques. She is quite tall girl but still moderate, with a wonderful movement just as her parents which truly is one of her best qualties in addition to her mentality and personality. 

She is still a young girl so I'm looking forward to see what the future will bring her and Malin when they are ready to compete again. 

Eyes: Cleared without any February 2022 | HD: A/A  |  ED: 0/0 
HSF4, CEA, CMR1, MH, NCL6, DM & PRA +/+ |  MDR1 -/- |  Taillenght: Full tail |   Color: Black tricolor | 
Height 53 cm | 22 kg | RL1-title | Passed Mentality description (5 on gunshots)

In this litter we hope for social and outgoing aussies with a will to please and serve its owner, that will be able to do good in the showring as well as a wonderful and active companion in different other sports and venues. 


The puppies will be genetical CLEAR from HSF4, PRA & CEA,
They will be Mdr1 carrier 

- The puppies will be blue merle and black tricolor and all tail lenghts are possible -


- Lzzy -

Sunlily's A Plea For PEace


- Isa -

Sunlily's Color Me Stupid


- Ike -

Sunlily's Live Without Warning


- Hekla -

Sunlily's Trust Is A Dirty Word


- Vinnie -

Sunlily's Destined For Anything

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